Sunday, May 24, 2020

Domestic Violence And Gender Roles - 940 Words

The gender and the gender role attitudes have been extensively studied, and the study findings indicate towards the existence of domestic violence disputes (Esqueda, Harrison, 2005). According to the studies, the gender role attitudes contribute significantly towards the understanding as well as the predicting of people’s beliefs and perceptions of violence against women, as well as domestic violence culpability. Seelau, and Seelau, (2005) reveals that men and women have different perceptions about domestic violence, as more men than women are likely to view domestic violence as a norm, and they tend to view the situation as less serious compared to the women. Moreover, the men and women differ significantly in terms of their likelihood of calling the police, as well as the severity of the penalty assigned to the perpetrator. In other studies, women have been found to be more sympathetic toward the victim compared to the men. However, the victim’s gender has been found to play a less important role in influencing the women, as they are more likely to believe the domestic abuse victim and either call the police or recommend that the victim press charges against the perpetrator (Poorman, Seelau, Seelau, 2002). Therefore, when women and men are involved in a romantically abusive relationship, the gender roles as well as their expectations may dictate the perceived acceptability of the abuse. For instance, the men are traditionally believed to be bigger and stronger, whileShow MoreRelatedGender And Gender Violence1482 Words   |  6 PagesGender-based violence is the unequal power relationships between men and women. It includes rape, sexual assault and harassment, domestic abuse, and stalking. Gender violence reflects the idea that violence is often used to uphold structural gender inequalities. Gen der violence includes all types of violence against men, women, children, gay, lesbian, and transgender people. Gender violence may be experienced differently based on the social variables of race, age, gender, social class or anotherRead MoreGender Roles in Society1047 Words   |  4 PagesBroadly conceptualized, gender roles are what our society expects and values in their community. They shape our behavior and values, thoughts and feelings, even going so far as to denote a person’s worth. Gender roles are present in everyday situations. In the past they strictly dictated the behavior of people in the community (the right to vote, occupations women were allowed to work in), though in the recent past have become more subtle and more successfully challenged. In some instances they areRead MoreViolence Theory And Gender Role Theory942 Words   |  4 PagesThe violence that surrounds homes can be summarized in the culture of violence theory and gender-role theory. The cultur e of violence theory looks at the broad acceptance of violence in our society and concludes that its acceptance is the foundation for violence within the family. Gender-role theory blames the traditional socialization of children into gender roles. Domestic violence plays a huge part in which parent will have custody of minor children. The culture of violence that is presentedRead MoreFamily Violence And Domestic Violence1405 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Family violence, also known as domestic violence is the disorderly conduct by a person to another person, a family, or a family’s property. It is violence between family members and between people in domestic or intimate relationships. Generally family violence behavior is predicted to be as physical abuse, however there are a wide range of behaviors involved. These behaviors include, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, physical abuse, economical abuse, emotional abuse, social abuse, and spiritualRead MoreWomen s Role On The Home, And Would This Create A Domino Effect? Essay1482 Words   |  6 Pageswith the problems faced on a daily bases in regards to Gender Violence in Latino Communities. To what extent do Latina women follow the societal expectations or roles a woman should have? What are the barriers that undocumented woman face when looking for resources, Is there stigma ties to undocumented women, or Latina women? Are societal expectations still a key role on women in these co mmunities in regards to how to deal with domestic violence in the home, and would this create a domino effect? Read MoreDomestic Violence Against Women Essay1691 Words   |  7 PagesOrganization defines violence as: â€Å"The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal-development or deprivation†. WHO has declared violence against women both a public health problem and a violation of human rights. Violence against women is of many types and has many faces. Also called Gender-based violence, public healthRead MoreDomestic Violence Against Indigenous Women947 Words   |  4 Pagesarticle â€Å"Domestic violence against indigenous women is everybody’s problem† domestic violence is depicted as a serious social problem that involves â€Å"unspeakable acts of violence† that leaves victims experiencing fear and despair (Taylor 2014). More specifically, the social construction of domestic violence will be discussed with an emphasis on Aboriginal women and a typology of intimate partner violence. The social construction of domestic violence has serious implications for victims of domestic abuseRead MoreEssay about The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children1448 Words   |  6 PagesHow does domestic violence between parents and parental figures affect the children who witness it? This is a question often asked by Sociologists and Psychologists alike. There have been studies that prove that children who witness domestic inter-parental violence experience mental health problems, issues with gender roles, substance abuse, the committing of crimes and suicide/suicide attempts later in their lives. This paper will explore all five of these effects of domestic violence on childrenRead MoreWhy Do We Assign Violence A Gender?1323 Words   |  6 PagesMaisie McGregor Discursive Essay - Draft One Why do we assign violence a gender? â€Å"How can we affect change in the world when only half of it is invited or feel welcome to participate in the conversation?†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Emma Watson - UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, speaking at the UN Headquarters in New York on 20th September 2014 Imagine this – you’re lying on the bloodstained living room carpet in your flat in North London. Your partner has just stabbed you in the back of your thigh with a breadknife, followingRead MoreDomestic Violence And Its Effects On Victims And Varies1700 Words   |  7 PagesDefinition, strengths and limitations, and occurrence Domestic violence as a form of trauma can have an impact on victims and varies in the form in which it occurs. Domestic violence can occur directly to an individual or family or indirectly as exposure to domestic violence. The Department of Justice defines domestic violence as â€Å"a pattern of abusive behavior in a relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner†. According to Cross

Monday, May 18, 2020

Que es WIC y como solicitar esta ayuda para nutrición

WIC es un programa de ayuda para que embarazadas, lactantes, mamà ¡s recientes, infantes y nià ±os menores de 5 aà ±os  puedan adquirir alimentos y asà ­ asegurar una buena nutricià ³n. En este artà ­culo se explica quià ©nes pueden beneficiarse, cà ³mo solicitar esta ayuda y sus posibles efectos migratorios. Quà © personas pueden calificar para esta ayuda Mujeres embarazadasMujeres que alimentan con leche materna  durante el primer aà ±o del bebà ©Mujeres que recià ©n tuvieron a su hijo durante los seis meses  siguientes al parto o finalizà ³ el embarazo y que no alimentan con leche maternaInfantes menores de un aà ±oNià ±os/as menores de cinco aà ±os Quà © requisitos de ingresos se piden Este beneficio es para las personas mencionadas que tienen pocos ingresos. Pero,  ¿cuà ¡n pocos? La respuesta es que depende del estado en el que se vive. La ley federal  Ã‚  dice que pueden beneficiarse las personas que vivan en un hogar familia con ingresos inferiores al 185 por ciento de lo que cada aà ±o se establece  como là ­nea de la pobreza. Sin embargo, algunos estados permiten recibir estos beneficios aunque se tengan ingresos superiores, como por ejemplo el 100 por 100 de la là ­nea de la pobreza, por lo que hay que comprobar la norma que aplica. Ademà ¡s, si se recibe ayuda por otros beneficios como por ejemplo Medicaid, TANF o SNAP se puede calificar automà ¡ticamente para WIC. Quà © requisito de estatus migratorio es necesario para calificar para WIC No es necesario tener estatus migratorio legal (es decir, pueden aplicar los indocumentados). Tampoco es necesario ser residente permanente ni ciudadano. Otros requisitos para calificar para WIC Todos los aplicantes de WIC deben pasar consulta y someterse a un anà ¡lisis de sangre con un nutricionista, mà ©dico o enfermera, que es quien tienen que declarar que dichas personas està ¡n en situacià ³n de riesgo nutricional. Por ejemplo, porque pesa menos de lo considerado normal, tiene anemia, sigue una dieta pobre y no saludable o, en el caso de mujeres embarazadas, tienen un historial de embarazos problemà ¡ticos. Ademà ¡s, durante el proceso de certificacià ³n se verificarà ¡ si los nià ±os e infantes han recibido las vacunas mà ­nimas. En el caso de que su calendario de vacunacià ³n no està © completo se le referirà ¡ a un centro sanitario para recibirlas. Recibir el WIC,  ¿puede perjudicar para otro tipo de beneficios migratorios? Este punto es importante porque las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n o los consulados pueden negar a una persona:  si se considera que dicha persona puede convertirse en una carga pà ºblica (public charge, en inglà ©s). Por lo tanto, en estos casos se podrà ­a poner en riesgo situaciones como: la aprobacià ³n de una visala autorizacià ³n para reingresar a los Estados Unidosla aprobacià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia (green card)adquisicià ³n de la ciudadanà ­a mediante el trà ¡mite de naturalizacià ³n. Pero es muy importante tener claro que WIC no afecta a la declaracià ³n de carga pà ºblica. Es decir, se puede solicitar y aceptar este beneficio, siempre y cuando se cumplan los requisitos, sin temor a que afecte en el futuro en asuntos migratorios.   Esto es asà ­ tambià ©n en otro tipo de beneficios pà ºblicos en los que no hay entrega de dinero, como por ejemplo cupones de alimentos (food stamps) o vivienda pà ºblica. Quà © se puede recibir si este beneficio es aprobado En la mayorà ­a de los estados los beneficiarios reciben cheques, vouchers o una tarjeta (EBT) para la compra de determinado tipo de alimentos como por ejemplo leche, huevos, jugos, peanut butter, cereales, frà ­joles, vegetales, fruta, pan integral y comidas para bebà ©s. Si bien esta forma de acceso a WIC es la mà ¡s comà ºn, en algunos estados todavà ­a se distribuyen cajas de alimentos entre los beneficiados. En algunos casos hay que ir a buscarlas a un almacà ©n, en otros se envà ­an a las casas de los beneficiarios. Ademà ¡s, se intenta potenciar la lactancia materna, mediante ayuda para enseà ±ar los mejores mà ©todos para practicarla y tambià ©n alargando el tiempo que se puede recibir este beneficio para las madres que alimentan a sus bebà ©s con su propia leche. Sin embargo, cuando à ©sta no es una opcià ³n se puede comprar fà ³rmula para lactantes, que tiene que ser la marca que establece cada estado.   Cà ³mo se solicita el WIC Se aplica en el estado en el que se reside y en la oficina que corresponde al lugar de residencia. Aquà ­ està ¡ la lista de telà ©fonos gratuitos a los que marcar en cada estado para solicitar una cita. Ademà ¡s, aquà ­ està ¡ la lista de la oficina central en cada estado, con correo electrà ³nico para comunicarse y enlace a la pà ¡gina oficial estatal, con los sus requisitos (incluye Puerto Rico y otros territorios, el Distrito de Columbia y las tribus de las naciones indà ­genas). A tener muy en cuenta En ocasiones, a pesar de calificar no se puede recibir el WIC. Esto es asà ­ cuando en una agencia local que gestiona este programa se ha llegado al là ­mite permitido. En estos casos se establece un sistema de prioridades sobre quià ©n debe recibir la ayuda y quià ©n no. A consecuencia de ello, algunas personas podrà ­an quedar excluidas. Segà ºn los à ºltimos datos, el aà ±o pasado se beneficiaron de este programa 7,696,439 personas. El coste del programa en el à ºltimo aà ±o fiscal, pendiente de datos finales, fue de $1,946,286,967 incluidos gastos de alimentacià ³n y administrativos. De interà ©s para padres y madres En Estados Unidos està ¡ estadà ­sticamente demostrado que la calidad de la educacià ³n que recibe un nià ±o es muy importante para su futuro. Por esta razà ³n se recomienda informarse sobre los aspectos bà ¡sicos de cà ³mo funciona el sistema educativo y cuà ¡les son las opciones. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Political Parties Are Helpful, Or Even Healthy - 1692 Words

For over 200 years people have argued about whether or not political parties are helpful, or even healthy. In 1879 during his farewell address the first president of the united states of American George Washington warned that†¦.† The common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it†. Even with all the controversy that surrounds, the American two-party- system hasn’t faulted, from challenges of third parties to changes in our society, it has again and again proven itself as a strong system. One good thing about the two-party- system is that each political party helps voters make sense of our country’s political scene, by working to get voters more involved by using specific platforms that are important to that certain party’s constitutes. So that voters can fully evaluate each candidate and choose the one they feel is best to be an advocate for the platforms that closely relate to their specific beliefs. On the bad side the two-party-system is just that, only allowing voters two parties to choose from, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, each with its own specific platforms, and its views on current issues. This limits choices of the voters by only allowing them to see the world in two colors, red for republican and blue for democrats, thus leaving out all the others on a color spectrum. At times it can be difficult to choose between the different parties,Show MoreRelatedEssay on Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution1583 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Great Leap Forward.† This idea was meant to bring China’s economy into the twentieth century. He had assembled a revolutionary government using traditional Chinese ideals of filial piety, harmony, and order. Maos cult of personality, party purges, and political policies reflect Maos esteem of these traditional Chinese ideals and history. However, the produc t of this revolution created a massive national shortage in vital materials and initiated a wide scale famine to China’s people (Gabriel). Read MoreEssay On Political Election1303 Words   |  6 Pagesbe questioning what I have to propose with elections coming up in 2018. Running for the Republican party has many positive aspects towards Health Care services and providers for the people of every generation. We believe this proposal will be successful. We aim to make a significant change in health care that will benefit many citizens and will offer affordability. Being the oldest political party, we have a lot of experience with health care reform and realized we needed a new health care policyRead MoreThe About Electoral System : Australia Uses Alternative Voting1496 Words   |  6 PagesRepublic of Ireland uses AV voting in their presidential voting, similarly British tried to switch to AV in 2011 instead of First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) by holding a referendum but AV lost. I n U.S. history AV could have been helpful in the 1912 presidential elections when the Bull Moose Party ran for office by doing this it took away votes from the Republican candidate. The next electoral system is First-Past-The-Post (FPTP), which is use in Canada, United Kingdom (UK) and United States (U.S.). FPTP is theRead MoreThe Gnp Should Support A Second Independence Referendum1516 Words   |  7 PagesGNP should support a second independence referendum in Glebeland because the call for a second independence referendum would bring benefit to this country. Different from its name, the United Kingdom, instead of using federalism, is a unitary state. Even though Glebeland has its own culture and language, being a member country of the United Kingdom, it only enjoys limited power delegated from the central government of the United Kingdom. Because of the diversity in culture, Glebeland needs a higherRead MorePeace: the Practice of Intercultural Respect, Reconciliation and Solidarit y1689 Words   |  7 Pageshealthier and better mental and emotional wellbeing for the individual(s) involved;-- while in terms of economic or social aspects—it could mean a period of prosperity. From a political perspective—it is the absence of war or any kind of disagreement with other nations and governments, the establishment of a successful political structure that works with everyone—serving everyone’s best interests or signals the existence of respectful and positive cultural and economic relationships with other countriesRead MoreThe Rights Of Public School920 Words   |  4 Pagesin America. Because of this controversy, the U.S. Supreme Court has long made it clear that the Constitution prohibits public school-sponsored prayer or religious instruction. Although the law has taken effect, there are still topics under debate. Even though the Constitutional law protects the rights of public school students, why does it not fully defend the staff a nd faculty members? Including religion in the core curriculum helps create a well-rounded education for the students. School boardsRead MoreHow Does The Media Shape Politics1657 Words   |  7 PagesHow News Habits Can Shape Political Opinions Taking a leadership class during the 2016 presidential election was one of the most ironic things I’ve ever done. On a weekly basis the news— whether allegations, scandals, or fake —provided my teacher, Mr. Randall, with plenty of material. While discussing the media cycles, I came to understand just how interwoven the opinions we form and the news we consume are. Mr. Randall became a prime example of this; whether it was his dislike of Hillary ClintonRead MoreLeaders Of A Shared World Start Resolving A Problem Essay1181 Words   |  5 PagesAs we have seen before, there is a delicate balance between the three sectors of our society: government, business, and civil society. All these three sectors need each other for our community to operate and be healthy. The leaders emerging from these sectors are in an environment of shared power. They need to learn how to work with each other for they do not have enough power to resolve issues alone. These leaders might be individuals, groups, or organizations that are passionate and feel responsibleRead MoreNational Integration1481 Words   |  6 Pagespolice but will also lead to a healthy police-public relationship, and secure the desired measures of public involvement and cooperation in promotion of communal harmony. In India from time immemorial, people belonging to various religious faiths lived in harmony and peace. There are fundamental values and traditions in our culture that promote integration among different communities. This was helpful for the growth of a great civilization in the Indian sub-continent. Even though communal tensions inRead MoreThe Black Panther Party For Self Defense1652 Words   |  7 PagesHuey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panthers Party for self-defense. In finding the Black Panther Party, Newton and Seale based the ideas and visions on the works of Malcolm X, a prominent figure in the Civil Rights movement, who had a â€Å"by any means necessary attitude†. â€Å"Malcolm had represented both a militant revolutionary, with the dignity and self-respect to stand up and fight to win equality for all oppressed minorities. Once they created the group Newton and Seale organized a mission

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cancer Is A Common Type Of Invasive Breast Cancer

Cancer is a term that classifies the compilation of diseases that may occur anywhere in the body due to rapid formation of abnormal cell growth. Normal cells develop into abnormal cells when there is damage to the DNA. Hyperactive reproduction of abnormal cells or cancer cells will develop into lumps that may either be benign or malignant. Benign masses are non-cancerous and usually remain in the same area from which they formed in the body. Malignant masses on the other hand are cancerous and tend to spread and multiply to more than one area in the body. Due to the reason that cancer may affect nearly every part of the body, the†¦show more content†¦Malignant tumors do not infect just one part of the body it may expand to different areas of the body. Consequently, women are advised to practice at home methods as well as schedule routine breast exams. Diagnosis of breast cancer can involve breast self-examinations (BSE), mammograms, ultrasounds, magnetic resonance imaging scans (MRIs), computerized tomography scans (CTs), and biopsies. BSE is an at home procedure that any women can to do actively examine both breasts, nipples, lymph nodes, armpit areas, the collarbone, and neck for changes. Regular BSEs allow individuals to detect noticeable changes in their chest. Lumps that may be cancerous will feel abnormally secured to the skin over it or under the chest wall. Besides odd growths in or around the breasts, other changes in the breasts may include atypical discharge, swelling, dimpling of the skin, nipple pain or the nipples may turn inward, and etc. Although BSEs have been shown to meticulously discover cancer growths, it does not actually lower the chances of death from breast cancer. BSEs should be supplemental to routine breast screenings. Early stages of breast cancer may be detected by breast screenings. The first step in breast screening is

Resume Example Free Essays

With 18 years experience as a Cosmetologist, 13 + years as Brand Manager/Director of Education dedicated to protecting the health of citizens. Results of investigating problems and complaints of consumers led to the development of educational programs based on preventative techniques. Health, safety, and sanitation are the primary focus and goal practiced in both my education and occupation. We will write a custom essay sample on Resume Example or any similar topic only for you Order Now I have excellent relationship building skills, highly effective at communicating work efficiently alone, and a motivated team player. As a chemistry and microbiology student independently investigated 6 + moon bedroom illnesses by designing, analyzing samples, reviewing scientific data from multiple forms of media, and reporting the results. This led to an awareness and in-depth study on methods used to sample products, the nature of bacteria, a variety of media and tests used to analyze and identify, and how to give detailed reports both written and orally. Designed study and lab experiments performed by investigating sources of bedroom illnesses such as Colostomies botulism. Appropriate sampling techniques such as swabbing were used to obtain bacteria from food sources, oil, and a variety of other raw materials. The bacteria were grown and cultured on Agar plates and later Gram Stained in order to identify the gram positive bacteria seen with a microscope. Each type of bacteria sampled and analyzed required investigating sources, proper sampling techniques, growing the bacteria, and properly identifying each colony. This led to detailed lab reports regarding all aspects of the investigation, methods, techniques, and results. Developed analytical problem-solving skills, strong time management and organizational skills, maintained detail orientated records and data while monitoring time and temperature sensitive bacteria. This allowed for accurate information to be communicated with the team orally and in written form. As a dietetic student I managed a group of 6 students and 12 kitchen staff in the planning, preparation, and serving of a theme meal for 1 00 + students and faculty. The emphasis of food safety and sanitation resulted in D incident of injury or illness. Negotiated theme meal plan with team a of 6 students and 2 kitchen management staff. Communicated and designed flow charts for all students and kitchen staff to ensure all tasks were accomplished individually and as a team. Led team to practice high standards of food safety and sanitation in the preparation of each product used according to specific guidelines provided by the National Restaurant Association and FDA Food Code. These standards were met by implementing and monitoring use of thermometers and notations made on time. This resulted in healthy yet creative dining experience that successfully served over 1 00 consumers in a safe and sanitary way. Ability to analyze and report through effective communication skills and educate individuals on essential nutrients. Researched vital role of vitamins and minerals on overall processes of the body. Developed application strategies of vital nutrients its relevance to supporting life. Analyzed dietary intake of newborns through end of life stages. As a communications student analyzed and interpreted a variety of media, practiced negotiations on civic issues, and advanced my skills in writing and speaking. This has resulted in the ability to be resourceful, build long lasting relationships with mutual understanding and effectively communicate both orally and in writing. Organized and effectively informed fellow students and instructors on a variety of topics such as the importance of community gardens. By researching every aspect of community gardens from soil to harvest was able to help plan and implement a community garden at Mount Mary College. This was initiated by a speech on the benefits of gardening and oral communication with the Dietetics Department Director. Serving as a resource plans were written up regarding the proposed location, preparation Of the soil, plants to be used, maintenance of the soil and plants, harvesting the crops, and distributing the produce. This resulted in implementation of a community garden which is maintained by students and distributed to the detent community as well as local community members. Effectively communicate with a multitude of personalities, views, and statuses as part of a team or leadership role in collaborative and individual context. Ability to compromise and negotiate divergent ideas, conflicts, and relationships through written, oral, or visual messages in multiple formats and contexts while ensuring the message is mutually understood. As a Cosmetologist I assisted well over 1000 people over the past 18 years with technical skills, highly creative skills, good interpersonal skills, effective communication, and time management skills. This led to a 50% increase in retail profits and 65% increase in profit of services. Service orientated with strong people skills provides lasting relationships and opportunities to generate new ones. Active listener with good interpersonal skills allows for identifying the needs Of the customer and achieving them through critical analysis of the challenges ahead and critical thinking in relation to logic, reasoning, and approach. Ability to apply theory and practical chemical application using creativity and technical skills. This requires actively gathering information and learning about the use and ingredients of the chemicals while maintaining compliance with safety rules and regulations set forth by the FDA and Cosmetology Examination Board. Maintaining up-to-date and detailed records are required for every service performed. Data obtained from monitored use of each chemical allows for possible improvements in application technique or product and correction in actions taken. As Brand Manager/Director of Education have investigated consumer complaints, written detailed reports pertaining to the results, advocated on behalf of consumers and the company, taught over 1,000 classes. This resulted in improvements in product performance, technique of application, and generated over $200,000 in additional sales within the first year. Assisted in development and implementation of investigative techniques used to attain and resolve customer complaints with relation to product performance. Thorough visual and verbal investigation with detailed data recording of product usage and outcomes allowed for accurately written reports delivered to proper authority. This led to being an active contributor to the team and mission of the company to provide quality products that reform safely and effectively. Managing and leading a team of 12 educators and 65 + sales consultants generated a 45% increase in sales for the company. Ability to oversee performance of educators and sales consultants while assisting them in attaining their goals through advocating for consumer needs as well as safe method of product usage. Planned, coordinated, and directed creative marketing plans and events for individual and corporate level establishments. Resulting in achieving sale goals and brand marketing. Demonstrated and effectively communicated a well designed program retaining to the safe and effective use of product and techniques of application. This provided uniform delivery of information to consumers from all educators and sales consultants. Allowing for less confusion and decrease in risk of unsafe product usage. Resulting in desired outcome of product use and consumer loyalty. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Eastern Hair Artists Cosmetologist March 2002 to current As a Cosmetologist I developed and practiced service oriented behaviors designed to assist individuals in attaining a desired outcome by utilizing a variety of techniques, skills, and duties. My duties included continuing education, secretarial jobs, actively learning new technical skills brought out by advancements made in products and techniques of application while maintaining compliance with all federal and state regulation. Staying current in technique and product knowledge requires seeking training through the Department of Regulation and Licensing as well as communication with local product distributors. Continuing education hours are accomplished by attending training sessions both online and in a classroom. Online classes provide current sanitation laws required by the State of Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing and Cosmetology Examining Board. Classroom training sessions consist of learning details of product usage and safety precautions through hands on experience working with the products. Secretarial duties include scheduling appointments and maintaining records. Communication skills are used to determine the needs of the customer and schedule the time necessary to perform services while answering any questions the customer may have. Records are maintained in detailed client files providing information regarding allergies, medications, services performed, products used, dates of services, processing times and applications. Attaining desired results is a duty that requires careful analysis of data, an understanding of chemicals, analytical thinking, and creativity. By analyzing detailed client profile records the chemicals used to perform the services must be carefully thought out. For example, if a client is allergic to particular ingredients an awareness of what is in the products must be acknowledged and determined as fit or unfit for the service. Analysis of the integrity of the hair and chemical components in a product must also be thought out and determined as fit or unfit for the service. By listening without interruption, interpreting the message, and creating a mutual understanding along with the careful analysis of data obtained creativity leads to the desired result. Taking action to ensure a safe environment is a duty performed by maintaining compliance with safety and sanitation regulations. This is accomplished by keeping a sanitary’ station with chemical use and storage in compliance with regulation guidelines as well as clean and sanitary tools such as combs and shears. To maintain up-to-date compliance, the Cosmetology Examining Board and Department of Regulation and Licensing web sites roved safety rules and regulations set forth by federal and local government agencies. Four Star Beauty Supply/Nexus Beauty Products Company/Essence Hairier Milwaukee, Wisconsin September 1996-2009 As Brand Manager/Director of Education assisted in investigations, communicated findings of the investigation, advocated for positive changes, and educated others by utilizing a variety of techniques, skills, and duties. My duties included developing and implementing techniques of investigation, maintaining open communication, working as a member and leader of a team, and coordinating events. Duties involved in developing and implementing investigations entailed working with consumers and other regional Management or Directors through written and verbal communication. Careful records were maintained regarding observations, reactions, concerns, and issues encountered by consumers. This was carried out by regular emails, phone conversations, and detailed reports of problems encountered by consumers. Working with the team of Managers and Directors allowed for compiling data that resulted in improving product performance and techniques used to perform services. Once improvements were made or advancements in technique were signed a follow up conversation provided strategies to reconcile consumer complaints. Actions taken to ensure understanding of the strategies designed to reconcile concerns where handled with open communication through email, telephone, and personal appearance. Coordinating and design inning classes for consumers, education team members, and sales consultants required communication with a variety of individuals and establishments, booking guest speakers, and overseeing marketing media. Keeping open lines of communication allowed for determining the need to coordinate and design classes that fit needs of consumers in determined areas. Booked appropriate guest speakers by communicating with them in regard to availability and specified topic to be covered. Worked with a team of graphic designers to design marketing materials such as posters and fliers. How to cite Resume Example, Papers

James Hetfield Essay Example For Students

James Hetfield Essay James Hetfield the American DreamJames is probably the driving creative force. Kirk HammettHetfield brings the pride. He stands a very tall and strong guy over all of, not just the music, but all of what is Metallica, hes been through a lot of shi* but still pushed to get where he is today.? Jason NewsteadAlthough the Americans dream, weather new or old to this country is to succeed financially, to some it is to become well known to your fellow man. The idea of crawling out of the gutter with nothing but your pride and earning respect from everyone who had doubted you before. Since the birth of this equal opportunity nation, people from all aspects of cultures and countries have strived through thick and thin to surpass their fellow man and better themselves in the eyes of society. The American dream does not just occur with citizens new to our country but to generations upon generations of people whose family tree had begun anew when their ancestors first arrived to this land. Thi s theory proves itself valid with a number of successful people who have never had the opportunity of experiencing ?old wealth?. They are ridiculed for their dreams and made fun of for their ideas, but in the end these prospects of society made it to the top with the occasional supporter and Hetfield was born to a truck driver and light opera singer on August 3rd, 1963, in Los Angeles. His familys Christian Science religious beliefs are often mentioned as the root of James tortured soul lyrics. Musically, he began at age 9 with piano lessons, then banging away on his brother Davids drums and finally to guitar. With his guitar in hand, James aspired to become a rock star in his first band, Obsession. After seeing AC/DC perform in Los Angeles on august 14th 1977The band was made up of the Veloz brothers on bass and drums and Jim Arnold on guitar. A pair of friends, Ron McGovney and Dave Marrs, acted as the bands roadies. This meant sitting in the loft of the Veloz garage running a con trol panel for makeshift lighting effects. After Obsession broke up, the Marrs-Hetfield-McGovney trio continued jamming together. Phantom Lord was James Hetfields second band. After moving to La Brea, James attended Brea Olinda High School and met up with drummer Jim Mulligan. The two would jam at lunchtime with another guitar player, but eventually scared him away with their loud and heavy sounds. Hugh Tanner was discovered carrying around part of a flying V guitar at school. And shortly thereafter, Phantom Lord was born. With Hugh on guitar and Mulligan on drums, James sang and played guitar. The group went through a few bass players until graduation when James moved back to Downey. In Downey, James moved into a house owned by Ron McGovneys parents that was slated for demolition due to an expressway expansion. This house was the perfect place for James and Ron to crash and hold rehearsal and practice jams. James talked Ron into taking up bass, and promised to teach him And as Ron joined the group, Phantom Lord was no more. They were now Leather Charm. James Hetfields third band overall, Leather Charm was formed from the members of Phantom Lord, except that James performed sole singing duties (no guitar) and Ron was added to play bass guitar. Completing the line-up were Phantom Lord carry-overs Hugh Tanner and Jim Mulligan. Leather Charm was more of a glammy attempt at music. The band played originals and covers like Quiet Riots Slick Black Cadillac, Iron Maidens Remember Tommorrow and a few others. The band managed to perform at a few parties and recorded a demo, but then began to fall apart. .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 , .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .postImageUrl , .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 , .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03:hover , .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03:visited , .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03:active { border:0!important; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03:active , .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03 .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6b6f74ff22a08f3b3982a61f576cef03:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Road Not Taken Essay*Picture*First Tanner left the band and was replaced by Troy James. Then Mulligan left for a more progressive, Rush-like band. With no drummer, the band was forced to call it quits. Although it was Mulligans departure that led to James searching for a new drummer, it was Hugh Tanner that introduced James to Lars Ulrich. Ultimately it was Leather Charms break up, through Jim Mulligans quitting, that led James and Lars to meet and to form Metallica. From the very start, James has been the main songwriter in Metallica, from the riffs to the lyrics. When hes not writing, singing or playing, James indulges in hunting and various sports. Hes recently taken up snowboarding, as he has hung up his skateboard after a series of mishaps. Guitars are a major part of his life and he has started collecting older guitars particularly those manufactured in 1963, the year he was born. He can be found in his garage working on a new passion: hot rods. He currently has a Chevy BelAir that he built himself. James is married and has one daughter. Music Essays

Monday, May 4, 2020

Developing Academic Skills

Question: Discuss about theDeveloping Academic Skills. Answer: Introduction: The organizations have witnessed a major transformation in the recent years. The changes in the overall organizational structure have impacted all the major departments of the organization (Massa, 2014). The marketing department has also changed the way it functions. The traditional concept of the Business to Business (B2B) marketing assumed that the decisions of the buyer are more rational (Brennan, 2014). It focused only on return, risk and strategic advantage. It was not attractive and was often unable to pull the target audience. This concept of marketing has changed. The modern customers should be handled in a unique manner (Brennan, 2014). The organizations need to follow a different approach of marketing decision making process which considers parameters such status, popularity and emotional attributes (Pettigrew, 2014). There have been changes in the business cultures. The workplaces are more flexible which has caused the conjunction of the personal and professional lives. Th is has resulted in an increase in the human-to-human marketing (Profera, Arthur Tierney, 2015). The organizations follow a unique way in handling the B2B marketing. The B2B buyers rely solely on the price of the products, while considering the quality of the product. The brands have adopted a customer centric approach by giving utmost importance to their needs (Massa, 2014). They focus more on creating one to one relationships with the client so that they can satisfy their needs in a better way (Profera, Arthur Tierney, 2015). The students need to understand the changing patterns of the B2B marketing and also understand the advantages as well as disadvantages. Topic Sentence The workplace flexibility has made the brands to interact more with the other organizations in pursuit of generating more profits. The workplace flexibility has led to an increase in the B2B marketing initiatives as the companies have found out multiple ways to interact with the B2B customers. Supporting Evidence (Johnson Sohi, 2013) who discusses The B2B marketing or the Business to Business Marketing involves the sales of the products manufactured in one company to another company for profit generation motives. The workplace flexibility is an important concept which helps the employees to enjoy more work life balance. This increases the satisfaction of the employees who can be more productive. The productive employees usually engage in better interaction with the partner organizations. They strike conversation between the business using innovative approaches. The workplace flexibility causes the employees to be overwhelmed and feel motivated to perform their job duty. They engage in B2B marketing in their convenient time, which increases the productivity of the organization as a whole. Topic Sentence The increased digitalization is an inherent characteristic of the modern organizations. The greater technological advancements have led to increased B2B marketing initiatives. Supporting Evidence (Turber et al., 2014) who states that The digital revolution is affecting the way the companies interact with each other. The content marketing is an integral part of the B2B marketing process as it involves with the creation of quality description of a particular product. The digital technology has enabled the businesses to support, enable and influence the strategic direction of the organization. The digital tools make it easier for the companies to interact with other businesses and communicate regularly. The company can engage in innovative marketing tools such as social networking tools to engage with the consumers. The social media helps the brand to improve their SEO rankings which increases their visibility in the market. The telecommunications facilities like video conferencing, online messaging services and online chat services are helpful in fostering communication between the businesses. Contrasting Evidence (Lee, Uslay Meuter, 2013) who argues that The information technology has negative impact on the B2B marketing initiatives. The technology has ceased to create a personal touch with the B2B customers. The information technology has created a void in the inter personal relations between the business entities. Topic Sentence The modern organizations put greater emphasis on the customer engagement measures. This is helpful in generating more prospective B2B customers. Supporting Evidence (Lomas, 2016) who mentions that Customer engagement leads to the commitment towards the organization. The commitment concerns with the eagerness to connect with a particular brand. The B2B clients should create an impression that they are consistent in the delivery of the products or the services. The optimum relationship with the B2B clients would lead to greater number of reorders, which is beneficial for the organization. The positive interaction between the brands would lead to retention of the B2B customers. The smooth flow of communication, understanding of the clients business offering, mutual trust and other engagement activities would help the companies to generate more number of B2B customers. The B2B customers must engage with the evolution of the relationships with the companies, perceived level of the company, opportunities for development, assessment of the team members and others. Contrasting Evidence (Halbesleben, Wheeler Shanine, 2013) who argues that Customer engagement is a difficult task for an organization. There are a number of aspects that the company should pay attention such as utility, quality, responsiveness and service. The company cannot always connect to the B2B customers at an emotional level, which is the most important factor. Topic Sentence B2B marketing involves complex decision making process which is similar to the complex functioning of the modern day organizations. Supporting Evidence (Badinelli et al., 2012) who discusses The decision making unit of B2B market is highly complex and involves analysis of a wide variety of parameters. There are a number of stakeholders involved in the decision making process, based on the level of complexity. For example, if the decision involves the purchase of a manufacturing plant, there would be a large number of employees who would be engaged in the decision making process. The B2B buyers usually seek a good financial deal, which implies that the B2B organizations need to satisfy a wide variety of customers. The modern organizations consist of the co-existence of a number of departments such as human resource, procurement, legal, material and others which function together so that there is optimum organizational productivity. This enhances the quality of decision making process as there are a number of stakeholders. The individuals contribute their cultural background and the psychological attributes to the decision making process, which enriches the quality of the decisions. Topic Sentence B2B marketing is benefitted from the customer loyalty of the modern day workplaces, which focus on extensive marketing campaigns to attract the potential customers as well as the existing customers. Supporting Evidence (Kotler et al., 2015) who discusses The modern day organizations rely heavily on the marketing campaigns. The increased marketing activities increase the brand visibility which leads to greater number of prospective buyers. The increased use of cross selling drives the organizations to offer unique products to the customers. The B2B customers get useful products at an attractive style, which generates interest to purchase the products. The organizations offer lucrative offers to the B2B customers, which are not available to masses or the general public. The B2B markets should derive strategic advantage. It not only requires the customer loyalty, but it also requires the product differentiation. The customers require dependable delivery services, collaboration and sufficient level of responsiveness from their B2B partners. It is also important to focus on the strategic and economic value of the business so that the B2B clients can trust them. The creation of trust leads to the creation of the customer loyalty, which is the fundamental factor in the B2B process. Conclusion The modern workplace is transforming the dynamics of the business-to-business marketing. The B2B marketing process requires a flexible approach rather than a rigid one. The objectives of the B2B marketing include the creation of a long term relationship with the client and the creation of the brand associates. There is no fixed formula for creating the relationships with the client; rather a customized approach must be adopted and. It must suit the preferences of the individual B2B clients and hence there is a need to adopt flexible approach. The digital marketing is a common trend of the modern day organizations. It leads to enhanced customer satisfaction, more number of sales and instant communications with the clients. The B2B customers use multiple sources of communication such as websites, seminars, conferences, surveys, whitepapers and others. The social media network is extremely popular in the B2B marketing domain. The organizations are engaging in customer engagement measure s so that there is more number of repeat customers. This would lead to an increase in the profit generation margin of the organization. The modern organizations are characterized by complex decision making process, which leads to efficient B2B marketing. The B2B marketing and the modern workplace are characterized by the evaluation of the alternatives and deriving a decision from them. The complex structure of a modern day workplace leads to efficient decision taking abilities regarding the process of B2b marketing. References Badinelli, R., Barile, S., Ng, I., Polese, F., Saviano, M., Di Nauta, P. (2012). Viable service systems and decision making in service management.Journal of Service Management,23(4), 498-526. Brennan, R. (2014).Business-to-business Marketing(pp. 83-86). Springer New York. Halbesleben, J. R., Wheeler, A. R., Shanine, K. K. (2013). The moderating role of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the work engagementperformance process.Journal of Occupational Health Psychology,18(2), 132. Johnson, J.S. Sohi, R.S., 2013, March. . the implementation of new marketing strategies by business-to-business salespeople: the constraining factor model. inrobert mittelstaedt doctoral symposium proceedings (p. 1). 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